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Boeing China Newsletter 2013 Q1

04 刊首语/Opening Remarks 赢在战略 Winning with right strategy 封面文章/Cover Story 波音向中国交付第1000 架飞机 Boeing delivers 1,000th airplane to China 专 题/Feature 上海波音,一直很忙! Boeing Shanghai: busy & exciting 波音中国2012 十大新闻 Top 10 Boeing China news stories in 2012 携手飞翔/Soaring Together 747-8 再受客户青睐 747-8 further endorsed in China 中国商飞- 波音技术中心开展空中交通管理研究 Boeing-COMAC Technology Center to support efficient air traffic management 湖北航宇嘉泰成为国内首家波音BFE 座椅供应商 First Chinese manufacture certificated as Boeing BFE seat supplier 天津波音获得LEED 环保认证 Boeing Tianjin Composites earns LEED certification 2013“放飞梦想”活动启动走向更广阔社会舞台 Dream to soar higher in 2013 波音速递/Boeing Express 波音2012 年订单和交付成绩全面领先 Boeing completes 2012 with record-setting performance 波音737 产能提升到38 架每月 Boeing 737 program starts building at higher production rate 07 08 10 12 14 18 18 19 20 22 23 P08 P10 P14 P20

Boeing China Newsletter 2013 Q1
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